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The company was invited to participate in the 3rd China Central and Eastern European Countries Inves

Time:2023-10-22 Source:Original Clicks:520
  On June 8-12,2017,the company was invited to participate in the 3rd China Central and Eastern European Countries Investment and Trade Expo jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government at the Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center.The theme of this expo is"unleashing cooperation potential and promoting mutual benefit and win-win results",creating favorable conditions for Chinese enterprises to purchase characteristic goods from Central and Eastern European countries,and further promoting exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Central and Eastern European countries'enterprises.

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Hunan Tea Company Limited

Address:Xiangcha High tech Industrial Park, No. 19 Longyuan 1st Road, Longping High tech Park, Furong District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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