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The Hunan Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition was grandly held in Paris, France

Time:2023-10-22 Source:Original Clicks:487
  From April 28 to May 5,2017,the Paris International Expo and Hunan Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition were grandly held in Paris,France.This expo has gathered 3500 brands and over 20 salons.The"Colorful World"exhibition area under the theme of"World Culture and Art"has become the focus of the exhibition booth in Hunan,China.Hunan tea,Hunan embroidery,Hunan calligraphy,and Hunan cultural and creative projects have gathered to represent Hunan's intangible cultural heritage inheritance projects.The company Baishaxi Tea Factory Co.,Ltd.,as a representative of Anhua black tea enterprises,participated in the exhibition with Chinese intangible cultural heritage products such as Qianliang tea,Fuzhuan tea,and Tianjian tea,which were widely welcomed.Ms.Li Weiwei,member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee and Chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,Mr.Zhou Yue,Deputy Director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce,and Mr.Wang Han,a famous host of Hunan TV,personally visited the Baishaxi booth to guide work and drink black tea.

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