Sales Network

International market

Time:2023-10-18 Source:Original Clicks:468
  The company has 6 offices abroad,with Russia,Germany,the United Kingdom,the United States,Senegal,Morocco,Japan and other more than 80 countries and regions to establish long-term and stable trade cooperation relations,formed a marketing network system across the world five continents,export business in the forefront of the national peer.The company not only has a perfect marketing network system,but also has a passionate and responsible marketing team to find customer resources and promote Huxiang tea through e-commerce,visits to various countries and exhibitions.

Popular products

Hunan Tea Company Limited

Address:Xiangcha High tech Industrial Park, No. 19 Longyuan 1st Road, Longping High tech Park, Furong District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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Technical support:Hnjing


